Permit request
The Town Planning department includes issuing permits and certificates. The inspector applies the current regulations based on Zoning By-law 212-2001. If you have questions about a property, uses, layout standards or layout, call the municipality to make an appointment.
The by-laws regulate all types of work including new construction, accessory buildings, renovations, repairs, wharves, culverts, public or private roads, riparian works, cutting trees and all work related to your property. Some operations in the riparian zone, in a wetland and in the shoreline (15 meters deep calculated from the high water mark) may be subject to authorizations issued by the le Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs.
The application ensures the conformity and legality of the work. Before proceeding with any work, make sure you have the permit or certificate in hand.