Revitalisation Plan – Fitch Bay
The Municipality of Stanstead Township has two village hamlets: Fitch Bay and Georgeville. The village of Fitch Bay has a high potential for development. Citizen groups have been formed with the goal of contributing to the revitalization of the heart of the village.
In order to promote harmonious local development based on a common vision, the municipality retained the services of Rues principales, an organization of public interest, to assist it in undertaking a process of consultation with local stakeholders, in order to strengthen the vitality of the village core of Fitch Bay.
Rues principales has acquired an in-depth knowledge of the issues facing small municipalities. It has developed a service offer that takes their concerns into account and that favours the application of the “small steps” theory in order to achieve concrete results and maintain the population’s interest in the development of their environment.
A four-part action plan was developed as a result of the consultations and work of the committee. In January 2020, Municipal Council adopted the action plan. It is available in French.