Fire safety
Régie intermunicipale de prévention et de protection incendie Memphrémagog Est
In January 2018, the Régie intermunicipale de prévention et de protection incendie Memphrémagog Est was created. It currently serves 10 municipalities on the territory’s of the MRC de Magog and Coaticook:
Hatley, Hatley Township, North Hatley, St. Catherine de Hatley, Ayer’s Cliff, Stanstead, Stanstead Township, Stanstead East, Ogden, Barnston West
The Régie is also:
▪ 4 Stations (North Hatley, Stanstead Township, Ayer’s Cliff and Stanstead)
▪ 1 full time director
▪ 4Â fire chiefs in part-time operations
▪ 85 firefighters and officers on call
To join us:
Phone: 873-389-5886
To reach the preventionist :Â prevention@regieincendieest.com
The Fire Department of Stanstead Township has 20 firefighters, including a Fire Chief and a deputy.
We have two fire stations on the territory, one at 840 Sheldon Road and another at 312 Channel Road (Highway 247). We have dry hydrants located near 2780 Fitch Bay Road and another at the Georgeville Community Center at 4680 Georgeville Road. Note that in Stanstead Township, hydrants are used only for cleaning the drinking water system and not for the fire department.
The municipal council passed the following by-law concerning fire prevention.
PNAP ProgramÂ

With the entry into force of the risk coverage scheme, the Ministry of Public Security requires municipalities to periodically visit all properties (residential, commercial, agricultural, public and industrial) in order to identify risks and ensure safety in fire prevention. The purpose of this action is to prepare our municipality to react in case of an incident and to reduce the potential dangers and risks of fires in our municipality.
We hereby confirm that our municipality has mandated firefighters of Stanstead Township to conduct fire prevention and fire inspections in our territory for Class 1 and 2 Fire Prevention and Prevention. Magog Fire Department will visit properties 3 and 4, those at higher risk. Preventionists will wear their uniform and will be clearly identified when visiting properties. All information and photos taken during prevention visits are confidential.
Preventionists will pay particular attention to:
- Smoke alarms (minimum of one (1) per floor)
- The presence of carbon monoxide alarms when using combustion appliance
- Compliance of your heating installations including chimneys
- Civic numbers
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information on fire prevention and fire safety.
List of properties per road to be visited:
Arrow Head
Black Ledge
De La Baie des Herons
De La Belle Vie
Outdoor fires
Outdoor fire
Open air fires contained in a retail or homemade outdoor fireplace that has
an adequate physical barrier (spark arrestor or protective screen), no larger than 27 cubic feet ((ft3) 3ft X 3ft X 3 feet), resting on a gravel base and not attached to a building, that meets the installation standards set out in Section 51 and that smoke does not disturb the neighbors are authorized and no permit is required.
The installation of a fireplace referred to in Section 50 shall meet the following minimum distances to comply:
A. 5 metres (m) from a principal building;
B. 5 metres (m) from an accessory building;
C. 3 metres (m) from a lot line;
D. 3 metres (m) from any shrub or tree vegetation.
Brush fire/cleaning and clearing
No person shall start, cause to be started, permit to be started or attend an open air fire unless a permit has been obtained from the appropriate authority.
In addition, any person who lights an open air fire shall comply with the following conditions:
A. Be authorized or have received a permit from the appropriate authority: https://www.regieincendieest.ca/feux-agrave-ciel-ouverts.html
B. All open fires are prohibited when the flammability index announced by the Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPEU) for the Eastern Townships is high, very high or extreme;
C. Keep a responsible adult on the fire site at all times;
D. Have at all times near the fire the necessary equipment to prevent the spread of fire;
E. Keep control of the fire at all times;
F. Do not use flammable liquids (gasoline or other) to start or activate the fire;
G. Do not light or keep lit any fire if the wind velocity exceeds 20KM/H ;
H. No flammable liquids shall be in the vicinity of the fire;
I. Ensure that smoke and ashes do not spread;
J. The fire must be extinguished before the person in charge leaves the premises.
K. Do not use any of the following materials as fuel: plastics of any kind, tires or other rubber-based materials, any construction/demolition waste, dangerous or polluting products, hydrocarbons, household garbage, refuse, varnished or painted wood or any other product whose combustion is prohibited by municipal and provincial laws and regulations, etc.
The use of domestic fireworks is permitted under the following conditions:
A. The user must be 18 years of age or older;
B. The area must be free of all materials or debris so as to avoid fire hazards;
C. The wind speed must not exceed 20 KM/H ;
D. The lot must be at least 30 meters by 30 meters and 100% clear;
E. The launching and clearing area must be a minimum of 20 metres from all houses, buildings, structures and cultivated fields.
For the purposes of this by-law, domestic fireworks and domestic pyrotechnics shall mean fireworks and pyrotechnics available for sale over the counter to persons over the age of 18 years and the use of which does not require a fireworks permit as defined in the Explosives Act (RLRQ E-22).
Alarm system
(Extract from By-law 409-2017)
When a fire alarm system is activated and it is impossible to reach the owner or tenant or do not wish to come on the site, the competent authority may interrupt the system’s audible signal and call a qualified person to return to service, including any repairs necessary to ensure occupant protection. The expenses incurred by the qualified person for any repair shall be paid by the owner.
Fence, fence and / or guard
(Extract from By-law 409-2017)
Where there is a fence, guardhouse or other facility restricting access to a building, these facilities shall automatically open or disengage the fire alarm signal, thereby enabling access to the Canton’s Fire Safety Service;
All fire alarm systems required by this section shall be connected to an alarm station which shall forthwith notify the Canton Fire Safety Service;
Any fire alarm with no smoke, heat or flame, or caused by malfunction, improper installation or deliberate human action, is a false alarm and is prohibited.
Private roads
(Extract from By-law 409-2017)
The part of a road or yard corresponding to an access road for the Fire Safety Service shall:
- have a clear width of at least 6 m, unless it is shown that a lower width is satisfactory;
- have a radius of curvature of at least 12 m;
- have a clear height of at least 5 m;
- have a maximum slope of 1: 12.5 over a minimum distance of 15 m;
- be designed to withstand loads due to fire-fighting equipment and be coated with concrete, asphalt or other material that allows access under all climatic conditions;
- have an area to turn around bigger than 90 m in length; and
- be connected to a public road.
More publicationÂ
Additional services
This list does not constitute a guarantee of the professional competence of the Municipality.
Civic number
- Wilson signs (local business) 819-570-8685
- Any store (Rona, Canac, Canadian Tire)
Chimney sweeper
- Ramonage de l’Estrie 819-847-1594 / 819-674-7491 Website
- Le Petit Ramoneur 2008 Inc : 819-823-7307
- Ramoneur 4 Saisons : 819-868-2131
- Ramonage Expert D Gingras 819-566-1282
Fire extinguisher
- Extincteurs Pierreafeux : 819-843-1740
- Centre D’Entretien D’Extincteurs Inc – Service d’extincteurs Sherbrooke : 819-566-7898
- MAC Protection Incendie Inc : 819-565-6500