Recent news
Studies and information relating to the Canton’s request to Transport Canada to authorize restrictions on boating in Fitch Bay
Here is the document that was submitted to municipal council on September 4, 2024, presenting studies and information relating to the Canton's request to Transport Canada to authorize restrictions on boating in Fitch Bay ! Good lecture, Références baie Fitch...
Municipal calendar 2025
We are looking for pictures of our municipality’s beautiful scenery to represent all four seasons of the year. Please submit your photos in landscape format to :
Opening of a position on the Leisure and Culture Committee.
The Municipality is looking for citizens residing on its territory to sit on its Leisure and Culture Committee. The committee is composed of 5 members, 3 residents and 2 elected officials. The comity’s purpose is to study and submit to the Municipal Council opinions...
A big THANK YOU to MCI and its volunteers
Phragmites control activity in Fitch Bay Yesterday (August 21, 2024), for the 7th year running, the MCI organized an activity to control the Phragmites, an invasive exotic plant found in Fitch Bay on Lake Memphremagog. The MCI team and volunteers hand-pulled the plant...
Shrub distribution Fall 2024
Some citizens have expressed interest in ordering shrubs, so we're passing on the species available. As the heat is dissipating a little, it's a good time for planting. The species offered are indigenous and recommended for reforestation of riparian buffer strips (you...
Letter from the Municipal Council to the citizens of the Canton Stanstead
August 2024 For the past several months, citizens of Magog’s District 6 have been campaigning in favor of annexing the territory of this district to the municipality of Canton Stanstead. They have made public statements and representations in favor of their annexation...