Minor variance

A minor variance applies to any provision of the zoning and subdivision by-laws, other than those relating to land use and density, may be subject to a minor variance.

Example: If you have only 13.25 meters as a lateral margin when constructing a main building and in fact according to the by-law in force, it requires 15 meters, you can ask for a minor variance. We advise you to meet with an inspector to see the possibility before you make the request.

The process is as follows: fill out the form and the necessary documents, drop them off at the municipal office with a check for $ 250.00. Your application will be dealt with by the Planning Advisory Committee, which will make recommendations to municipal council to approve or refuse the minor variance. The path of the request can take up to three months before obtaining a response.

Minor variance

Request for a minor variance

  • General information

  • Contact information
  • Description of the minor variance

  • The cost of a minor variance is $250, enclose a check with the request and send it to the Town Hall

    Depending on the date that we receive your application, your request will be processed at the next meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee who will recommend to accept or reject the request. After recommendations, the municipal council (first Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise indicated) will adopt by resolution the final decision of the minor variance, which will be sent to you afterwards.

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